有人说,璀璨的流星预示着一个生命的完结。以前的我不知道这是否只是一个美丽而残酷的传说,但此刻我清楚地知道,我的眼前划过了无数坠落的流星…… 我是一只快乐鸟儿,因为每天我都在青山绿水中流连忘返,闻得到清幽的花香,看得到美丽的山川,呼朋引伴,嬉戏玩耍。我的生活被一
Some people say that the bright meteor indicates the end of a life. I did not know if this was just a beautiful and cruel legend, but at the moment I knew very well that my eyes crossed countless falling meteors ... I was a happy bird, because every day I was in the mountains In the linger, smell the quiet flowers, see the beautiful mountains, friends, playful. My life is one