世界上大多数临床医生认为至少应在产后或流产后6至12周放入宫内节育器。一般认为早期放入宫内节育器有很高的脱落率,并增加子宫穿孔的发生和生殖道的感染。从理论上讲,如果在胎盘排出后的第三产程后立即放入节育器应当比出院前后的产褥期放入更有利。但实践中产后放节育器例数太少,所以效果尚不能肯定。本文作者认为产后立即放入宫内节育器是切实可行的措施,至少用带药物的宫内节育器是有效的。据世界人口委员会和世界卫生组织(Population Council and WHO)对产
Most clinicians in the world believe that they should be placed in an IUD at least 6 to 12 weeks after childbirth or abortion. It is generally believed that early insertion of IUDs has a high rate of shedding and increases the incidence of uterine perforation and genital tract infections. Theoretically, if IUDs were put in immediately after the third stage of labor after the discharge of the placenta, it would be more advantageous to put them in the puerperium than before and after discharge. However, the practice of postpartum IUD is too small, so the effect is still not sure. The author of this article believes that IUD insertion into the IUD immediately after delivery is a feasible measure, at least using IUDs with drugs is effective. According to the World Population Council and the World Health Organization (Population Council and WHO) on the production