目前重型燃机进气冷却装置缺少准确的经济性评价模型,不能提供准确的经济性分析,为此提出了喷雾式进气冷却装置的经济性评价模型。以具体工程的气象资料为依据,以工程热力学理论为基础,通过计算确定设备参数和经济指标,指导投资决策和设备招标。以GE9171E型燃气轮机为例,对其应用喷雾式进气冷却装置的经济性评价模型进行了分析。若采用进气冷却装置,每台联合循环机组年增发电量7751026 kW·h,年发电效率提高0.6%,年均净收益99.61万元。喷雾式冷却系统具有明显的经济效益,适用于炎热及水源充足地区。
At present, the heavy air intake air cooling device lacks an accurate economic evaluation model and can not provide an accurate economic analysis. Therefore, an economic evaluation model of the air inlet cooling device is proposed. Based on the meteorological data of specific projects, based on the engineering thermodynamics theory, the equipment parameters and economic indicators are determined through calculation to guide the investment decision-making and equipment bidding. Taking GE9171E gas turbine as an example, the economic evaluation model of spray-type inlet air cooling device is analyzed. If the intake air cooling device, each combined cycle unit annual generating capacity of 7751026 kW · h, annual power generation efficiency increased by 0.6%, the average annual net income of 996,100 yuan. Spray cooling system has obvious economic benefits, suitable for hot and water sufficient area.