1临床资料:患者女性,15岁,学生,住院号:0101732。因初次性交后阴道多量出血1小时余入院。入院时间:2010年4月22日,18:10。患者平常月经规律,量中,无痛经史。于2010年4月22日下午4时余初次性交后出现阴道多量出血,渐感头昏、乏力,现仍有较多阴道出血,无腹痛,无发热。末次月经2010年4月4日,患者精神一般,查体:T 36.5℃,P90次/min,R20次/min,Bp127/75mmHg。神志清楚,面色苍白。心肺听诊未发现异常。腹软,无压痛,无反跳痛。妇检:外阴已婚未
1 clinical data: patient female, 15 years old, student, hospital number: 0101732. Due to the vaginal bleeding after the first sexual intercourse more than 1 hour left hospital. Admission time: April 22, 2010, 18:10. Patients with regular menstruation, volume, history of painless. On April 22, 2010 at 4:00 pm, after the first sexual intercourse there was a large amount of vaginal bleeding, gradually getting dizzy and weak. There are still more vaginal bleeding, no abdominal pain and no fever. Last menstrual April 4, 2010, the general spirit of patients, physical examination: T 36.5 ℃, P90 times / min, R20 times / min, Bp127 / 75mmHg. Conscious, pale. Cardiopulmonary auscultation was not found abnormalities. Abdomen soft, no tenderness, no rebound tenderness. Gynecological examination: vulva is not married