
来源 :中国网络传播研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czwyaa
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为了更好地理解互联网对青少年社会心理层面错综复杂的影响,本研究对美国青少年社交类网站使用的行为与认知进行了探讨并检验了社交性网站对于青少年的社交动机(social motivations)、人格特质(personality)、自尊(self-esteem)和社会孤独感(loneliness)层面的影响。本研究把社交网站的使用行为界定为以下两种:行为层面(社交网站的使用强度)和认知层面(社交网站的互动偏好)。通过对美国华盛顿州立大学的231名在校学生的网络调查研究显示,尽管社交网站的使用强度与其互动偏好呈显著的正相关联系,但他们却分别对青少年产生相异的社会心理影响:社交网站的使用强度与孤独感呈显著负相关联系,而社交网站的互动偏好却与孤独感呈显著正相关联系。研究同时发现,青少年对社交网站的使用行为和认知在他们的社交动机和人格特质方面也呈现不同的影响。研究显示,看似矛盾的两种社交动机——归属需要(need for affiliation)和排斥恐惧(fear for rejection)——都分别与社交网站的使用与互动偏好呈显著相关联系。就人格特质方面:社交网站使用强度越大的使用者就倾向呈现出外向、合群和严谨等人格特征,而社交网站互动偏好越强的人则呈现出内向、合群、神经质和开放等特征。因此,本研究揭示了对于社交性网站的影响研究需要着重考量如何测量与定义使用行为,不同的使用行为测量会显示出混杂与多样的社会心理影响。 In order to better understand the Internet’s complex impact on the social psychology of adolescents, this study explored the behavior and cognition of the use of adolescent social networking sites in the United States and tested the social networking sites’ social advices for adolescents, their personality traits personality, self-esteem and social loneliness. This study defines the use of social networking sites as two behaviors: behavioral level (intensity of use of social networking sites) and cognitive level (interaction preference of social networking sites). An online survey of 231 students at Washington State University in the United States shows that despite the significantly positive correlation between the strength of social networking sites and their interactive preferences, they have different social and psychological effects on adolescents: social networking sites There was a significant negative correlation between the use intensity and loneliness, while the interactive preference of social networking sites was positively correlated with loneliness. The study also found that adolescents’ use behavior and perception of social networking sites also exerted different influences on their social motivation and personality traits. Research shows that seemingly contradictory two social motivations, need for affiliation and fear for rejection, are each significantly associated with the use and interaction preferences of social networking sites. As far as personality traits are concerned, users who use social networking sites more often tend to exhibit personality characteristics such as extroversion, gregariousness and rigor, while those who prefer social interaction sites tend to be introverted, gregarious, nervous, and open. Therefore, this study reveals that the research on the influence of social web sites needs to focus on how to measure and define the use behavior, and different behavior measures will show the mixed and diverse social psychological impact.
在砾石充填防砂评价中,充填系数是评价砾石充填好坏的重要参数之一。在不同油田、不同井斜使用不同的砾石充填携砂比,对充填系数都有着很大的影响。本文认真总结了绥中 36—1
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采用硅胶柱色谱、ODS柱色谱、Sephadex LH-20柱色谱、HPLC等分离方法,从一株地衣内生真菌菌株(No.16-20-8-1,Aspergillus sp.)的发酵物中分离得到两个二苯醚类成分。利用UV、