据外媒报道,诺基亚计划最早在明年重返手机市场。此外,该公司还将涉猎其他雄心勃勃的产品项目,例如虚拟现实领域。据悉,目前主导这项工作的是Nokia Technologies,也是自诺基亚将手机业务出售给微软后所剩下的公司三大业务中最小的一块,其他两大业务是地图和网络设备。Nokia Technologie之所以出名,是因为其掌握诺基亚逾1万项专利组合的授权工作。不像其他公司专利部门仅限于专利授权工
According to foreign media reports, Nokia plans to return to the mobile phone market as early as next year. In addition, the company will cover other ambitious product projects, such as virtual reality. It is reported that the current leading this work is Nokia Technologies, but also from the Nokia mobile phone business to Microsoft after the remaining three of the smallest business of the three, the other two business is the map and network equipment. Nokia Technologie is famous because of its license to work on more than 10,000 patents in Nokia. Unlike other companies, the patent department is limited to patent licensees