In the late twentieth century, marked by the failure of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, contemporary socialism experienced extremely serious twists and turns. However, the twists and turns are by no means the same as ending. The capitalist alternative to feudalism has also experienced a long period of twists and turns. The continued development of capitalism stems from the pressure of socialism, from being forced to taking the initiative to make successful adjustments to adapt to the development of the productive forces and fundamentally tortuous socialism The crux of the matter is that it fails to take the development of productive forces as an overriding fundamental task in a long time. To continue developing social stability in the twists and turns, we must bear in mind the lessons learned and face up to the challenges posed by capitalism. We must keep up with the pace of the knowledge-based economy and implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education. We must also bring in the tide of globalization and seize the opportunity of “backward advantage.” We must uphold peace Foreign Policy, Opposition to “Westernization” and “Divergence”.