Apparent permeability variation of underground water aquifer induced by an earthquake:A case of the

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bcrav4
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Taking the M_2 wave as calibration signals,we extract the phase shifts of the water level relative to the Earth tide in the Zhouzhi well by utilizing the cross-correlation function.And we further obtain the apparent permeability variation in the aquifer of the Zhouzhi well in 2008.Comparison with the commonly used tidal analysis software Baytap-G shows that phase shifts obtained by cross-correlation function are more stable.The resulting apparent permeability of the Zhouzhi well aquifer fluctuates with time,indicating it is a dynamically controlled parameter.The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake caused the apparent permeability increasing drastically, which is interpreted as the combination effects of effective stress changes and the barriers removing in the flow channel due to seismic wave pressure pulse.After the Wenchuan earthquake,the effective stress began to recover and the impurities deposited gradually,causing the apparent permeability to decrease a month later and almost recover to the pre-earthquake level in six months. Taking the M_2 wave as calibration signals, we extract the phase shifts of the water level relative to the Earth tide in the Zhouzhi well by utilizing the cross-correlation function. And we further obtained the apparent permeability variation in the aquifer of the Zhouzhi well in 2008.Comparison with the commonly used tidal analysis software Baytap-G shows that phase shifts obtained by cross-correlation function are more stable. The apparent apparent permeability of the Zhouzhi well aquifer fluctuations with with time, indicating it is a dynamically controlled parameter. 2008 Wenchuan earthquake caused the apparent permeability increasing drastically, which is interpreted as the combination effects of effective stress changes and the barriers removing in the flow channel due to seismic wave pressure pulse. After the Wenchuan earthquake, the effective stress began to recover and the impurities gradually, causing the apparent permeability to decrease a month later and almost recover to the pre-earthquake level in six months.
目的 研究正常儿童中心视野视网膜光敏感度的特点。 方法 用国产QZSⅡ型自动视野计对30例(60只眼)5~9岁正视眼或屈光不正眼(可矫正至正常视力)的儿童进行中心30°、6°视野的测定。 结果
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胡适(公元1891年——1962年),原名洪,我国现代著名学者、教育家,安徽绩溪人。他早年肄业于上海澄衷学堂,有一次听国文教师杨千里讲达尔文“物竞天择、适者生存”的道理时,很受感动,即改名适,字适之。    胡适与小脚太太       民国六年(1917年),27岁的胡适留美归来,被北京大学聘为哲学教授。同年寒假回家,与同乡女子江冬秀完婚,这是胡适14岁时,由父母之命、媒妁之言订下的姻缘。江冬
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