Jorgar:Music Is His Lifelong Companion

来源 :China's Tibet | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liucheng333
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One day in 1963, raising the first cry of life, Jorgar came into the colorful world followed by another six babiesborn into an ordinary herder’s family. At the age of six, Jorgar was able to hum the tunes of the shepherd boys as they went about their herding duties on the endless grasslands.In 1971, eight-year-old Jorgar became a student in Damxung Primary School. At that time, not every child in the pastoral areas could obtain this precious chance that could change their One day in 1963, raising the first cry of life, Jorgar came into the colorful world followed by another six babiesborn into an ordinary herder’s family. At the age of six, Jorgar able to hum the tunes of the shepherd boys as they went about their herding duties on the endless grasslands. In 1971, eight-year-old Jorgar became a student in Damxung Primary School. At that time, not every child in the pastoral areas could obtain this precious chance that could change their
Ji Wenhuang graduated from Zhejiang Medical University in 1959. He came to Shanghai and worked as a clinical doctor for 43 years before he retired 7 years ago.
太阳还没起床,我早已甩着马尾辫跑在操场上了。迎着凉爽的晨风,听着小鸟的歌唱,我神清气爽,呼吸着新鲜的空气,踏着轻盈的脚步,我无比欢快。 The sun is still not up, I alr
“如果说现在餐馆里的滋补汤九成九都是假的,一点儿也不夸张。”专家表示,别看菜单上写着天麻、当归、乳鸽、甲鱼等补品,再配上少则58元、68元,多则几百元的高价,里面却基本没营养。   名目繁多的汤都是用最便宜的大棒骨熬制的汤底做成。那些猪蹄啊、乳鸽啊也是事先煮好,然后剁块放入冰箱冷冻,需要端给顾客的时候,就把肉块和药材一起加入汤底,利用药材的气味掩盖猪骨汤的腥味,就可以变化出各种各样的高价汤了。  
春节是家庭团圆的日子。许多独居老人更会为子女归来而欣喜不已。不过,也要小心这些祥和气氛会被突发的心脑血管疾病所打断。专家提醒在春节前后的老人尤其是心脑血管患 Spr
索菲的婚礼马上就要进行,她正着急自己的父亲还没找到,最终她能找到自己的父亲吗?我们一起来看吧。 Sophie’s wedding will be going on soon, she was anxious his father
广东、北京是他工作的两点 在自家小区,他成为不受欢迎的人 面对SARS,他挺身而出,冲锋在前 Guangdong and Beijing are two of his areas of work in his own community, he