我国民间流传着一个皇帝与“鸡蛋炒香椿”的传说。 古时候,有位皇帝到郊外去打猎,天渐渐黑了,可皇帝为了追逐猎物,没有顾及这些,一路追了下去。等他击中猎物时,天色已完全黑了下来。在返回皇宫的路上,皇帝一行人不知不觉迷了路。皇帝又累又饿,正要发牢骚时,抬头一看,半山腰有一户农家,就和侍卫们一起走进了农家。这家的主人听说皇上半夜来访,赶紧把家中仅有
There is an legend of an emperor and “egg fried with oysters” in folklore in our country. In ancient times, when an emperor went to the suburbs to hunt, it was gradually getting dark, but the emperor chased his prey and did not care about it. He chased it all the way. When he hit the prey, the sky was completely dark. On the way back to the imperial palace, the emperor and his party unknowingly lost their way. The emperor was tired and hungry. When he was about to whisper, he looked up and saw a family farmer on the hillside and walked into the farmhouse with the guards. The owner of this house heard that the emperor came to visit in the middle of the night and quickly put the family