21世纪最显著的特点是经济全球化和信息一体化。世人对全球化利弊优劣的争议从未间断, 用什么样的规则来厘定这一趋势,政治家和经济学家们纷纷抛出了济世的良方。上世纪末,诺贝尔奖得主在巴黎召开一个会议,对人类未来发了一个宣言:“人类在21世纪要继续生存和发展,必须回过头来看中国古代的哲学,从中汲取养分。”中国古代的哲学是有机的哲学,“和”是这一哲学的核心内涵。“和”文化起源于先秦时代,是在百家争鸣的文化盛世中产生的, 和中国传统处世理念和审美理想。它是一种有差别的、多样性的统一,所追求的是整体的、动态的和谐。“和”是中庸
The most prominent feature of the 21st century is economic globalization and information integration. The world has never stopped the controversy over the merits and demerits of globalization. By what kind of rules to determine this trend, politicians and economists have thrown the recipe for success. At the end of last century, the Nobel Prize laureate held a conference in Paris to issue a declaration on the future of mankind: “In the 21st century, mankind must continue to survive and develop and must look back and understand the ancient Chinese philosophy and learn from it.” In ancient China Philosophy is an organic philosophy, and “harmony” is the core connotation of this philosophy. The culture originated in the pre-Qin era originated from the cultural prosperity of a hundred schools of thought, and the Chinese traditional philosophy of life and aesthetic ideal. It is a difference, diversity of unity, the pursuit of overall, dynamic harmony. “And” is moderate