A Case Study of Cultural Teaching of AnAmerican English Teacher

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  Abstract: This study is based on an American teacher’s cultural teaching. A case study is carried out to present Mr. Horn’s teaching belief and characteristics of cultural teaching. Some implications to the domestic English cultural teaching is also shown.
  Key Words: an American teacher;cultural teaching; a case study;teaching belief and characteristics; implications
  1. Origin of the Study
  Cultural teaching is an important part of English teaching, whose related contents and requirements have been correspondingly written in the English teaching syllabus and curriculum standard of all types and at all levels. It has drawn more and more attention from the public. Besides, the test has backwash effect on teaching. Many small changes often appear in the test first. With the improvement of the comprehensive strength of China, the demanding of our country is not only for economical but also cultural prosperity. Cultural factors are reflected in the exam papers at various levels. Thus, cultural teaching is vital and necessary.
  2. Research Design
  2.1 The Participant
  Mr. Horn, who is Director of foreign teachers in Guang Xi Normal University, is chosen as the participant for his prominent teaching competence and outstanding educational background.
  2.2 Research Questions
  (a) What is Mr. Horn’s teaching belief on cultural teaching?
  (b) What are the characteristics of his cultural teaching?
  2.3 Research Instrument
  The instruments of classroom observation, interview and text analysis are adopted in this research.
  3. Data Analysis
  3.1 Mr. Horn’s Teaching Belief on Cultural Teaching
  Firstly, it is necessary and important to conduct cultural teaching for college students especially the sophomore students. They should devote more time to being exposed cultural learning. Cultural teaching and language learning should be combined to cultivate the cultural awareness and communicational ability.
  Moreover, whenever he designs a class, he always keeps passive and active parts in his mind and tries to have a part of his class where he is talking and a part of class where students are active. In the lecture part, he mainly introduces the basic cultural knowledge and then in the following activity section, students are given chances to experience culture by all kinds of activities such as role-play, discussion, presentation and acting and so on.
  Mr. Horn holds the opinion that every language has its unique charming. Language and culture are so closely related that it is necessary to get hold of every kind of culture which is not only from English-speaking cultures but also from every corner of the world. He hopes students can have the chance to understand as many kinds of cultures as possible.   3.2 Characteristics about Mr. Horn’s Cultural Teaching
  (a) The IESE Teaching Model
  Interesting- Exploring- Sharing- Experiencing teaching model is obvious in Mr. Horn’s every course. This process reflects his teaching belief and specific teaching steps.
  (b) Integration
  Mr. Horn can combine the language learning and cultural teaching closely, and the combination of lectures and experienced activities are obvious. Besides, students are encouraged to express their own opinions based on their research. Their ability of communication and addressing speeches are practiced and improved at the same time.
  (c) Individuality
  Mr. Horn usually puts his own experiences into his classes. As a foreigner who experienced different cultures in different countries, he shares a lot of his own stories with his students. In this way students can feel that culture is dynamic and individual.
  (d) Creativity
  Mr. Horn always uses his creative thinking to make up new activities. All these creations are based on his hobbies and advantages. He himself is creative who is full of imagination and new ideas.
  All in all, the research shows that Mr. Horn has his own unique teaching belief and methodology about cultural teaching.
  Some implications are given to teachers, students, schools and education administrations separately. Teachers should enlarge their cultural knowledge accumulation and improve their teaching belief and methodology. Students should adopt autonomous study to take responsibility for themselves. Schools should hold more cultural activities and change the way of assessment. For education administration, it is necessary for teachers to do some training and exchanging work to let them perceive and experience different cultures.
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  作者介绍:葛玉娜 (1981- ),广西师范大学教育学硕士,课程与教学论专业,河北省石家庄市藁城区教科所英语教研员,主要研究方向:文化教学和教师招聘面试研究。
摘要:知识型员工日益成为企业的核心资源之一,本文首先对知识型员工的概念进行界定,再将薪酬体系划分为经济性薪酬和非经济性薪酬两类,分别对知识型员工的经济性薪酬激励和非经济性薪酬激励基于心理学视角进行探索。   关键词:知识型员工;薪酬激励         一、知识型员工   知识型员工这一概念是指那些掌握和运用符号和概念,利用知识或信息工作的人。知识型员工有着较为鲜明的特点:1.知识型员工
一个人活着,就要有自己的追求。追求既是人生前进的动力也是人生的权利。但是追求什么却影响自己的幸福指数,甚至决定自身的命运。出于物质利益的考虑,大多数人都是追名逐利,但是这些人往往又被名利所累、所困,甚至所害。但是,作为“人类灵魂的工程师”——教师也一味追名逐利,那么人类的灵魂将归何处?教师的灵魂又何以堪?  自实验中学建校以来十一年的教研工作,使我对教师有了更多的了解和认识。深知没有思想的教师根本