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《中华人民共和国行政许可法》将于2004年7月1日起正式施行。行政机关准备好了吗?行政许可法是继行政诉讼法、国家赔偿法、行政处罚法、行政复议法之后又一部规范政府行为的重要法律。它的颁布施行,是我国社会主义民主与法制建设的一件大事,也是我国行政管理体制的一次根本性变革,对于进一步转变政府职能,提高行政效率,建设服务政府、责任政府、法治政府将起到有力的推动作用。国务院高度重视行政许可法的贯彻实施,先后下发了《国务院关于贯彻实施〈中华人民共和国行政许可法〉的通知》和《国务院办公厅关于贯彻实施行政许可法的工作安排意见》;召开了全国贯彻实施行政许可法工作会议,各省、自治区、直辖市和国务院各部门主要领导、分管领导及法制机构的负责人参加,温家宝总理作了重要讲话,对贯彻实施行政许可法作出了总体部署,提出了明确要求。贯彻实施行政许可法,意义重大,影响深远,任务繁重。本期“专题聚焦”请著名专家解读,冯俊、王翔二位同志提出了建设系统要认真研究的若干问题,需充分关注。欢迎就此来稿,深入讨论。 “People’s Republic of China Administrative Licensing Law” will be July 1, 2004 came into effect. Is the administrative organ ready? Administrative Permission Law is another important law regulating government behavior after the Administrative Procedure Law, the State Compensation Law, the Administrative Punishment Law and the Administrative Reconsideration Law. Its promulgation and implementation are a major event in the construction of socialist democracy and legal system in our country. It is also a fundamental change in the administrative system in our country. It will be of great help to further transform the functions of the government and improve administrative efficiency, and to build a government that serves, responsibly and rule of law governments To a powerful role in promoting. The State Council attaches great importance to the implementation of the Administrative Licensing Law, and successively issued the “Circular of the State Council on Implementing the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Administrative Licensing” and the “Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Implementing the Arrangements for Administrative Permission Law” The work conference of the Administrative Licensing Law was held. Leaders from various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and various departments under the State Council attended the meeting. Leaders in charge of the legal institutions attended the meeting. Premier Wen Jiabao made an important speech and made overall arrangements for the implementation of the Administrative Licensing Law. Clear requirements. Carrying out the law of administrative permission is of great significance, profound influence and heavy task. This issue of “special focus” Please Interpretation of Famous Experts, Feng Jun, Wang Xiang, two comrades put forward a number of issues to be seriously studied in the construction of the system, need full attention. Welcome to this draft, in-depth discussion.
【摘要】文章首先分析了科学化档案管理的现状,总结为缺乏完善的制度体系,工作人员素质水平较低,管理制度不统一等方面。其次重点介绍工作任务开展期间提升科学化水平的有效措施,针对现存问题来进行,将其应用在档案管理中,能够提升科学化水平。  【关键词】档案管理;科学化水平;科学化管理  一、当前我国档案管理科学化水平现状  1、缺乏完善的档案管理制度 档案管理是否科学高效,关系到单位的运营稳定性,虽然科学