在金合欢育苗工作中 ,热水浸种是提高发芽率的关键措施。营养袋育苗、穴盘育苗的成苗率与移栽成活率要大于圃地育苗 ,营养袋育苗有着一次成苗的优点 ,生产成本低 ,可以大力推广。育苗实践证明 :秋播苗生长势大于春播苗 ;猝倒病防治是育苗工作中应当始终贯彻的重点。
In the acacia seedling work, soaking hot water is to improve the germination rate of the key measures. Nutritional bags nursery, plug seedling seedling rate and transplanting survival rate is greater than nursery nursery, nursery bags have the advantages of a seedling, low production costs, can be vigorously promoted. Seedling practice proved that the growth potential of autumn sowing seedlings was greater than that of spring sowing seedlings. The prevention and treatment of damping off disease was the key point that should be always carried out in breeding work.