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外交档案区别于外事档案,专指外交部为实现国家的对外政策而进行的对外活动中形成的并归档保存的文件材料.在改革开放的今天,外交档案在外交实践乃至整个国家事务中所发挥的作用越来越重要.1991年11月19日,我国外交部部长钱其琛在得知外交部档案馆荣获“全国档案系统先进集体”称号后,言之谆谆地指出:“外交档案是党和国家档案极为重要的部分.在尖锐复杂的国际斗争中,要做好外交工作,特别是进行谈判、交涉,没有完整可靠的档案材料是不可能的.我部的同志要继承和发扬周恩来总理重视档案工作的优良传统,同心协力把外交档案工作做得更好.”钱外长的一席话,使外交档案战线上的同志们深受鼓舞,大家进一步认识了做好外交档案工作的意义.外交档案与其他专业档案一样,除具备档案的普遍特点外,还有其独特之处,研究其特点,对收集、保管、挖掘、利用好党和国家的宝贵财富,更好地为外交实践服务意义重大.一、外交档案记载了我国各个时期对外政策的制订和实施过程,是一部详实的外交史册. Diplomatic files are distinguished from foreign files and refer specifically to documents archived and archived and archived in foreign activities carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to achieve the country’s foreign policy.During the reform and opening up, the diplomatic files have been used in diplomatic practice and even in the affairs of the entire country On November 19, 1991, after receiving the title of “Advanced Collective of the National Archives System” from the Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Qian Qichen, minister of foreign affairs of our country solemnly pointed out: “The diplomatic archives are the party’s And the vital part of the national archives.In a sharp and complicated international struggle, it is impossible to do a good job in diplomatic work, especially in negotiating and negotiating without a complete and reliable archival material. The comrades in our ministry should inherit and carry forward Premier Zhou Enlai Attach great importance to the fine tradition of archival work and make concerted efforts to make the diplomatic archives work better. ”The words of Foreign Minister Qian were encouraged by the comrades on the diplomatic archives front and further understood the significance of doing a good job of diplomatic archives. Like other professional archives, in addition to having the general characteristics of archives, there are also its unique features, its characteristics, the collection, custody, digging Use of a valuable asset of the party and the country, to better serve practice of diplomatic significance. First, the diplomatic archives documented various periods of our country’s foreign policy formulation and implementation process is a detailed diplomatic history.