巴特尔,身高2.10米,中国篮坛巨人,是较早到美国 NBA 寻梦的中国运动员,并幸运地戴上过NBA 总冠军戒指。他名气之大在海外仅次于姚明。但这位篮坛奇才也有着不为人知的隐痛,他9岁走出内蒙古大草原,开始在世界各地漂泊,一直渴望成为一名篮球超级巨星。但因为伤病不断,又有着内向、孤傲的性格和较差的英语沟通能力,他始终无法像姚明那样走运。最近又因已到而立之年,再次落选中国国家篮球队。好在他在为篮球流浪的旅程中,一直有个比他大10岁的女子德明,坚守在他身边,给他爱的力量和奋斗的勇气。而三个同母异父的儿女,也给他带来无限的快乐和希望。这对奇异的爱人,从相识到走入婚姻,有着许多感人的故事……
Battle, 2.10 meters tall, Chinese basketball giant, is the earlier Chinese athletes to NBA dreams, and fortunately wear the NBA championship ring. His reputation is second only to Yao Ming overseas. But the basket Wizards also have unknown pain, he was 9 years out of the prairie in Inner Mongolia, began drifting around the world, has been eager to become a basketball superstar. However, because of continuous injuries, introverted, arrogant personality and poor English communication ability, he has never been as lucky as Yao Ming. Recently, the Chinese national basketball team has once again been defeated because of the time it has been established. Fortunately, in his journey for basketball wandering, there has been a 10-year-old woman Deming, stick with him, give him the power of love and courage. Three of his own children also brought him infinite joy and hope. This strange love, from acquaintance to marriage, has many touching stories ...