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从本期开始,本刊将连载美国导演、表演教师唐·理查逊根据他数十年来的讲课记录经过重新整理于1988年发表的著作《轻松自如的表演》。全书八万余言,分五期登完。 唐·理查逊(1918— )从事导演工作四十余年,除了在百老汇导演舞台剧外,他的主要精力是在电视剧方面,作品达八百余集,并曾多次获美国电视节目最高奖艾美奖。作为表演教师,他曾执教于巴纳德大学、加州美国戏剧艺术学院,纽约美国戏剧艺术学院和以色列特拉维夫大学。目前他已从电视界退休,但仍执教于洛杉矶加州大学。曾在他门下受业的演员和导演为数甚多,其中包括著名人士如安妮·班克洛夫特、格蕾丝·凯莉、约翰·卡沙维兹、伊丽莎白·蒙高茂莱等。 理查逊的书,如他在“课前导言”中所表明的,是为适应现代影剧制作条件而写的。他强调演员必须经过全面严格的训练,猛烈反对极度生活化、以不表演的表演相标榜的“方法”表演。他认为把弗洛依德的心理分析理论与斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基体系捏合在一起的“方法”表演是对斯氏体系的严重歪曲和破坏;但他也并不完全接受正宗的斯氏体系,认为这种需要漫长、“痛苦的”心理准备的表演方法已不合时宜。且不论美国剧坛泰斗海伦·海丝对此书的高度赞扬,仅此一端,即是以引起读者,尤其是演员或有志于表演的读者的浓厚兴 Starting from this issue, we will serialize the American director, acting teacher Don Richardson, based on his decades-long lectures and records, and rearranged the 1988 book “Relaxed Performances.” The book more than 80,000 words, divided into five boarding finished. Don Richardson (1918-), who has been in the director’s business for more than 40 years, has directed more than 800 episodes of drama in addition to his theatrical productions on Broadway. He has won the highest number of television programs in the United States Emmy Award. As a performance instructor, he has taught at Barnard University, the American Academy of Theater Arts in California, the American Academy of Drama and Art in New York, and Tel Aviv University in Israel. He currently retired from television but still coaches at the University of California, Los Angeles. There have been numerous actors and directors who have worked under him, including eminent personalities such as Anne Bancroft, Grace Kelly, John Kasavitz, Elizabeth Montgomery and others. Richardson’s book, as he showed in Preface Lesson, is written to suit the conditions of modern filmmaking. He emphasized that the performers must undergo rigorous and rigorous training and fiercely oppose extreme “living” methods that are presented as “methods” that are not advertised. In his opinion, the “method” of mixing Freudian psychoanalytic theory with the Stanislavsky system was a serious distortion and destruction of the Smithian system; however, he did not fully accept the authentic Smithian system, We think this method of acting, which requires long, “painful” psychological preparation, is outdated. Regardless of the high praise of the book by the American theater star Helen Hayes, on the other hand, it is based on the strong interest of readers, especially performers or readers interested in acting
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1958年6月14日美国著名速度滑冰选手埃里克·海登的生日。1980年第13届冬奥会一人独得500米至1000米五项速滑冠军,并全部打破冬奥会纪录。 1914年6月15日在法国巴黎庆祝现代