自20世纪末以来,不仅亚洲国家纷纷摒除纯以西方为参照、紧步西方后尘的后殖民心态,开始以新的开放而又自信的姿态从事本民族现代文化的创造;欧美文化圈中的有识之士也开始对包括现代水墨艺术在内的东方现代文化给予兴致浓厚的关注。这表明过去一个多世纪以来西方现代主义冲击古老东方文化的单向模式正在悄然发生变化,一个多元互补、互动,多极交叉、交汇的文化新纪元正在到来。这一世界文化格局的悄然变化,当然与人类社会在20世纪的进步与发展中遇到的问题、与人们对全球化的反省以及对自身前途和命运的思考有着深刻的内在联系。 现代水墨艺术是中国当代艺术或大而
Since the end of the 20th century, not only have Asian countries abandon their post-colonial mentality, which is purely based on the West, and have taken a very backward approach to the West, they have begun to create the modern ethnic culture of their own nation with a new attitude of opening up and confidence. The awareness of the European and American cultures The people also began to pay great attention to modern oriental culture including modern ink art. This shows that the one-way mode of impacting Western modernism on the ancient oriental culture has been quietly changing over the past century or so. A new era of culture with a plurality of complementary, interactive, multi-polar intersections and intersections is coming. Quietly changing this world cultural pattern is, of course, deeply inter-related with the problems humankind encountered in the progress and development of the 20th century, with people’s introspection of globalization and their own future and destiny. Modern Chinese ink art is Chinese contemporary art or large and modern