阮元生当乾嘉汉学风靡之时 ,深受汉学皖派由训诂以明义理之学风的影响 ,为学扬汉抑宋 ,主张“实事求是” ,学以致用。然而作为当时学术界“山斗” ,以科举正途入仕的阮元又不满于汉学家的门户之见 ,主张调和汉宋之争。这是因为 ,一方面 ,清廷奉程朱理学为官方正统哲学 ;另一方面 ,汉学末流日益脱离现实而不能解决任何实际问题。他主张兼采汉宋学的思想 ,对晚清学术界特别是以林伯桐、陈澧等为代表的岭南学术产生了深远的影响。
Ruan Yuan-sheng was a popular student of Qianghu and Han dynasties. Influenced by the style of Ming-Yi-Li theory, Han-Xue Wan was advocated by Han and Han to suppress Song and advocate “seeking truth from facts”. However, as a “hill fight” in academia at that time, Ruan Yuan, who was just entering the official examination system, was dissatisfied with the opinions of sinologists and advocated reconciling the dispute between Han and Song Dynasties. This is because, on the one hand, the Qing court honored Zhu as the official orthodox philosophy; on the other hand, the end of sinology was increasingly divorced from reality and could not solve any practical problems. He advocated that the idea of combining both Chinese and Song Dynasties should have a profound influence on academics in the late Qing dynasty, especially the Lingnan Academy represented by Lin Baitong and Chen Tuan.