第八章阿德犁和犁的起源美国哈特福德学院已故教授 Paul leser,在外形类似和语言标准的基础上,于1931年提出所有犁耕工具都可以追溯到它们起源于某种类型的牵引锹(见 leser 1931/1971年文,第551—560页)。对上述问胚.我力图详细地阐明这一发展过程中的某些部份。同样,还有人强调说从收集野生种子、开发野生动物到充分地发展农业,这一转换时期延长了几千年之久。James Mallaart 在他的著作《近东的新石器时期》(1975年)中,提出了一个
Chapter VIII Origin of Adrey Plows and Plows Paul Leser, the late professor at Hartford College in the United States, proposed in 1931 that all plowing tools trace their origins to a certain type (See leser 1931/1971, pp. 551-560). Asking the embryos above, I sought to elaborate on some parts of this development. In the same vein, it has also been stressed that the period of conversion has been extended for thousands of years from the collection of wild seeds to the development of wildlife to the full development of agriculture. James Mallaart in his book “Neolithic Near the East” (1975), put forward a