
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chongqingyy
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党的群众路线教育实践活动启动以来,电力行业企业持续深入推进教育实践活动。继上期特别报道了国网四川省电力公司“打造为民服务精品”等具体实践之后,本期聚焦中国华电集团及所属企业践行党的群众路线的思路和实践。中国华电集团公司党组坚决贯彻中央部署,深刻学习领会习近平总书记一系列指示精神,认真学习刘云山同志、赵乐际同志重要讲话精神,全面贯彻“照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病”的总要求,在中央直接领导和第38督导组指导下,加强领导、精心组织、求真务实,有力有序有效开展公司第一批教育实践活动。通过深入动员、专题培训、辅导报告、征求意见,以及组织“群众路线在我心、转变作风我先行”主题讨论、“赠书促学”等一系列活动,反思不足,查摆问题,将教育实践活动不断推向深入。同时,公司还制定了一系列制度、措施,将中央八项规定精神、反“四风”和密切联系群众的要求,落实到具体行动中去。本期这组报道,分别从不同角度、不同侧面反映中国华电集团公司及所属企业如何践行党的群众路线,希望对广大读者有所启发和借鉴。 Since the launch of the party’s mass line education practice activities, the power industry enterprises have continued to push education practice activities in depth. Following the special issue of the State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company “to create quality services for the people ” and other specific practices, this issue focuses on ideas and practices of China Huadian Corporation and its affiliated enterprises in practicing the party’s mass line. The Party Group of China Huadian Corporation resolutely implemented the plan of the Central Government, profoundly studied and comprehended a series of instructions by General Secretary Xi Jinping, conscientiously studied Comrade Liu Yunshan and Comrade Zhao Leji’s important speech, and fully implemented the principle of “looking into the mirror, dressing, bathing and treating diseases” Under the guidance of the direct leadership of the Central Government and the 38th Supervisory Group, strengthen leadership, meticulous organization, truth-seeking and pragmatic, effectively and orderly conduct the first batch of educational practice activities of the Company. Through in-depth mobilization, special training, counseling reports, soliciting opinions, and organizing a series of activities such as “the mass line in my heart, changing my style, Problem, the educational practice will continue to deepen. In the meantime, the company has also formulated a series of systems and measures to implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Government, the ”four winds" and the requirements of close contacts with the masses in concrete actions. This issue of this issue reports from different angles and different aspects, respectively, on how China Huadian Corporation and its affiliated enterprises practice the mass line of the party and hopes to inspire readers.
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