采用物性分析仪测定鸭梨(Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.‘Yali’)和京白梨(Pyrus ussuriensis Maxin.‘Jingbaili’)果实质地参数的变化,分析其质地构成和变化特性。结果表明:硬度、破裂力、弹性、咀嚼性、粘附性和内聚性参数可较好地评价梨果实质地构成和变化。鸭梨果实各质地参数值变化很小,硬度与破裂力极显著正相关,二者均与咀嚼性极显著正相关,其它参数间的相关性均未达到显著水平。京白梨果实各质地参数值变化较大,硬度与破裂力极显著正相关,二者均与粘附性呈极显著负相关,与弹性和咀嚼性显著正相关;咀嚼性与粘附性亦显著正相关。硬度、破裂力、弹性和咀嚼性是评价质地的主要参数,粘附性和内聚性则反映了质地的细微变化。
The change of texture parameters of Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.’Yali ’and Pyrus ussuriensis Maxin.’Jingbaili’ were measured by the physical property analyzer, and the texture composition and variation characteristics were analyzed. The results showed that the hardness, breaking force, elasticity, chewiness, adhesion and cohesion parameters could be used to evaluate the constitution and change of pear fruit. The texture parameters of Yali pear changed little, the hardness and the breaking force were extremely significantly and positively correlated, both of them had extremely significant positive correlation with chewiness, while the correlation of other parameters did not reach the significant level. The fruit quality parameters of Jingbai pear varied greatly, and hardness and rupture strength were significantly and positively correlated. Both of them had extremely significant negative correlation with the adhesiveness and significant positive correlation with the elasticity and chewiness. The chewing and adhesive properties Significantly positive correlation. Hardness, rupture force, elasticity and chewiness are the main parameters for texture evaluation, while adhesion and cohesion reflect minor changes in texture.