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美术是一门锻炼学生手、脑协调运作的课程,美术教育的开展有利于培养学生的艺术品味,陶冶学生的情操。但近年来的美术课堂出现一些问题,使学生成为学习被动的接受者,并打击学生学习美术的兴趣。随着新课程改革的开展,要求教师要创新美术教学方法,从而构建美术高效课堂。 Art is a course of training students’ hands and minds to work in harmony. The development of art education is conducive to cultivating students’ artistic taste and cultivating students’ sentiments. However, there are some problems in art classes in recent years, making students become passive recipients of learning and cracking down on students’ interest in studying fine arts. With the implementation of the new curriculum reform, teachers are required to innovate the teaching methods of fine arts so as to construct an effective art classroom.
摘 要:阅读是对书面语言的理解过程。阅读理解在中国中学生英语教学中的重要性已经世所公认。根据认知理论,在阅读理解中有一些因素起着非常重要的作用。 本文以文件综述的方式对影响英语阅读理解的各种因素进行了探讨。  关键词:Reading comprehension affecting factors    Introduction     In the modern society, reading