陕西玉米田害螨有3种,截形叶螨Tetranychus truncatus Ehara为优势种。在关中灌区年发生12~13代,陕南13~14代,陕北9~10代,以雌成螨越冬,3月下至4月初开始产卵,5月底至6月初迁入春播玉米田,6月下至7月初迁入夏播玉米田,7月中至8月下是为害高峰及防治的关键时期。害螨在玉米植株上垂直分布具有明显的层次性,以中部密度最大。玉米播种早、长势差、种植密度小、田间自然天敌少及7~8月极端高湿出现时间短的年份害螨种群数量大,为害重。区域连片种植,清除田间杂草、培肥地力,促进玉米发育,并结合追肥根施涕灭威有效成分1200g/hm~2是控制害螨的重要措施。
There are three kinds of mite mites in the corn field of Shaanxi Province, Tetranychus truncatus Ehara is the dominant species. Guanzhong Irrigation District in 12 to 13 generations, 13 to 14 generations of southern Shaanxi, northern Shaanxi 9 to 10 generations to female adult mites wintering, from March to early April spawning, early May to early June moved into spring sowing corn , From June to early July to move into the summer sowing corn field, July to August under the peak of damage and prevention and control of the critical period. Pest mites in the vertical distribution of corn plants has a clear hierarchy, with the largest density in the middle. Early sowing of corn, growing poor, planting density is small, less natural enemies in the field and July to August the emergence of extreme high humidity in a short time the number of pest mites large, heavy damage. Area contiguous planting, clearing field weeds, fertilizing fertility, and promote corn development, combined with top dressing aldicarb aldicarb effective ingredient 1200g / hm ~ 2 is an important measure to control pests.