研究了等离子喷涂 Zr O2 - Ni Co Cr Al Y不同结构热障涂层的硬度分布及 80 0℃和 10 0 0℃温度下的热震性能。并进一步研究了去应力退火对涂层热震性能的影响。结果表明 ,与非梯度涂层相比 ,梯度涂层具有较平缓的硬度分布 ,不存在金属与陶瓷层界面间的硬度突变。热循环温度增加 ,使抗热震性降低 ,但梯度涂层在两种温度下均具有较高的抗热震性。去应力退火处理较显著地提高了涂层的抗热震性
The hardness distribution of the plasma sprayed Zr O2 - Ni Co Cr Al Y thermal barrier coatings with different structures and the thermal shock properties at 80 0 ℃ and 100 ℃ were studied. The effects of stress-relief annealing on the thermal shock resistance of the coatings were further studied. The results show that compared with the non-gradient coating, the gradient coating has a relatively gentle hardness distribution, and there is no sudden change in hardness between the interface of the metal and the ceramic layer. Thermal cycling increases in temperature to reduce thermal shock resistance, but gradient coatings have high thermal shock resistance at both temperatures. De-stress annealing significantly increased the thermal shock resistance of the coating