10多年来,由于较好地贯彻了党的十一届三中全会以来有关企业改革的方针、政策,冶金工业有了较大发展。现在,“七五”即将结束,“八五”期间企业改革将如何进行,是人们十分关心的大事。本文拟根据中央关于今后几年治理整顿和深化改革的部署,结合冶金工业改革的实践,谈一些初步想法,供讨论。 一、“八五”期间企业改革的指导思想
For more than 10 years, the metallurgical industry has achieved great development due to the well implemented policies and policies concerning enterprise reform since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Central Committee. Now, the “July 5th” is coming to an end, and how the enterprise reform will proceed during the “8th Five-Year Plan” period is a major concern for people. This article intends to discuss some preliminary ideas for the discussion based on the central government’s plans for rectifying and deepening reforms in the next few years, combined with the reform of the metallurgical industry. I. The Guiding Ideology of Enterprise Reform during the Eighth Five-Year Plan