编辑同志: 最近我看了某基层人民法院一份先行给付的书面裁定。原告王×,六岁,法定代理人王××;被告李××,七岁,法定代理人李××。一九八六年四月九日,王×与李×在一起跑着玩时,王×被石头绊倒,将左腿摔骨折,住院治疗。王×法定代理人向法院提起告诉,请求被告法定代理人赔偿医疗费。本院依据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法(试行)》第九十五条规定,裁定如下:被告法定代理人先行给付原告医疗费三百元。
Editing comrades: Recently I read a written ruling given by a basic people’s court to pay in advance. Plaintiff Wang ×, aged 6, legal representative Wang × ×; defendant Li × ×, aged 7, legal representative Li × ×. On April 9, 1986, Wang × and Li × ran together while Wang × was tripped over by a stone, fractured his left leg and was hospitalized. Wang × legal agent filed a lawsuit to the court, requesting the defendant to pay the legal representative medical expenses. According to Article 95 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China (Trial), the court ruled as follows: The legal representative of the defendant paid the medical expenses of the plaintiff three hundred yuan in advance.