Yu Huazhong’s short story collection titled “I am as Timous as a Rat” was published in 1996. Three of the novel “I am as timid as a rat,” “Summer Typhoon,” and “April 3 Incident” jointly reveal Yu Hua’s adolescent Inner View of Growth Writing. Fear can be said to be the common theme of the three novels. Among them, the fear of adolescence, the anxiety and the lack of a sense of security are the best exerted by Yu Hua. Among them, there is a natural writer’s own experience of growth, which will be its own pain in the process of growth, into literary resources to the reader before, to meet the consumer’s desire to consume. Through the careful reading and analysis of “I am as timid as a mouse,” this article shows the influence of the author’s childhood experience on her creation and the literary concept that Yuhua Yi runs through.