辣椒疮痂病又名细菌性斑点病,从苗期至成株期都可发病,造成大量落叶、落花、落果,甚至全株毁灭,对辣椒产量和品质影响很大。 症状叶上初呈水浸状黄绿色小斑点,后为不规则形,边缘隆起暗褐色,中间凹下淡褐色,表面粗糙。叶缘、叶尖变黄,干枯脱落。茎上病斑为木栓化隆起。呈纵裂疮痂状。果上病斑初起小黑点,后变为直径1~3毫米稍隆起的圆形或长圆形黑色的疮痂状病斑,病斑边缘有裂
Capsicum scab also known as bacterial speck disease, from seedling to adult stage can be disease, resulting in a large number of leaves, flowers, fruit drop, or even the destruction of the whole plant, a great impact on the yield and quality of pepper. Symptoms of early leaves were yellowish green spots of watery, irregular shape after the edge of the bulge dark brown, the middle concave light brown, rough surface. Leaf edge, tip yellow, dry off. Stem lesions on the cork of the bulge. Cracked fissure scabs. Fruit lesion early black spots, after becoming a diameter of 1 ~ 3 mm slightly elevated round or oblong black scab-like lesions, the lesion edge cracked