
来源 :人民公安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a734266739
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位于青藏高原东北部的青海省,地势高峻,空气稀薄,海拔在3000米以上。在省会西宁市西北方向有一个海晏县,40年前那里贫穷落后,人烟稀少,几乎没有工业生产,当地人民常年吃的是青稞面、蚕豆面和土豆。1959年初,在海晏县的一片大草原上,国家开始实施一项极其保密的工程。从全国各地调集了一大批人员,在那里悄然建起一座核武器科研基地(始称221厂,后称第九研究院)。在不到6年的时间里,创业者们发挥自力更生,艰苦奋斗,一不怕苦、二不怕死,不计名利、不计报酬的革命精神,在此研制出了我国第一颗原子弹,并于1964年10月16日爆炸成功! Located in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of Qinghai Province, high terrain, thin air, at an altitude of 3000 meters above. There is a Haiyan County in the northwest of the provincial capital Xining. There was poverty and backwardness 40 years ago with sparsely populated and almost no industrial production. The local people perennial eat barley flour, broad bean noodles and potatoes. In early 1959, on a prairie in Haiyan County, the state began to implement an extremely confidential project. A large number of personnel were mobilized from all over the country, where a nuclear weapons research base was quietly built (formerly known as Plant No. 221, later known as Ninth Institute). In less than six years, entrepreneurs have developed the first atomic bomb in our country by playing the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance, hard work, fear of hardships, death without sacrificing fame and fortune, and in 1964 October 16 explosion success!
世有伯乐,然后才有千里马。千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。大多怀才不遇、无所成就的人,连丰富的职业经历都谈不上,自然也形成不了良好的个人能力了。  站在时代的风口,组织业绩好,只是靠外力,台风过后,满地狼藉,没有组织能力作支撑,潮水退后,只能裸泳。  绩效的可移植性其实只能靠能力  靠什么保持高绩效?人们的第一反应一定是靠个人,但我们却经常会看到绩效表现优异的人挪了窝儿之后,很难始终如一地保持最佳状态。