贵州省 1992~ 1999年共报告急性弛缓性麻痹 (AFP)病例 114 8例 ,采集AFP病例粪便标本 975例 ,分离出肠道病毒 2 87株 ,其中脊髓灰质炎 (脊灰 )病毒 (PV) 12 8株 ,非脊灰肠道病毒 (NPEV) 15 9株。 113株PV经中国预防医学科学院国家脊灰实验室鉴定 ,有 8株Ⅰ型野毒株 ,5株疫苗变异株 ,10 0株疫苗相关株。 1993年以前病毒分离以PVⅠ型野毒株为主 ,1994年以后已连续 6年未分离到PV野毒株。省卫生防疫站脊灰实验室监测工作水平显著提高 ,至 1997年各项相关技术指标中除合格粪便标本采集率外 ,其余均达到了世界卫生组织 (WHO)和卫生部的质量控制要求 ,1997年、1999年通过WHO的认证。但监测任务依然严峻和繁重 ,仍需作出不懈努力
A total of 114 8 acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases were reported in Guizhou Province from 1992 to 1999. A total of 975 cases of AFP were collected, and 87 87 strains of enteric viruses were isolated. Polio (PV) 12 8 strains and 15 9 strains of non-polio enterovirus (NPEV). 113 PV were identified by the National Polio Laboratory of Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, there were 8 strains of type I wild type, 5 strains of vaccine and 10 strains of vaccine-related strains. Prior to 1993, the virus was mainly isolated from the wild type PVI. After 1994, no PV wild type virus was isolated for six consecutive years. The polio laboratory monitoring work level of the Provincial Health and Anti-Epidemic Station significantly increased. All the relevant technical indicators except 1997 met the quality control requirements of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health, except 1997, and 1997 Year, passed the WHO certification in 1999. However, the monitoring mission is still harsh and heavy and still requires tireless efforts