为什么他好端端地辞去吉利高位,选择坐镇业绩不佳的上海华普汽车?吉利与华普之间目前又是一种什么样的关系?一张规划到2009年的上海华普汽车未来发展蓝图如何画就?在一个阳光充裕的初春午后,我们坐在上海华普汽车有限公司董事长徐刚的办公室里,听这位四十岁出头的北大光华EMBA 聊华普的过去、现在和将来。我们看到了以徐刚为代表的新一代民营企业家的自信,领略到了徐刚务实有效的经营之道,更感受到了一丝创业的
Why he resigned his auspicious high end, choose to sit poor performance of Shanghai Maple car? Geely and Maple is currently a kind of what kind of relationship? A plan to 2009 Shanghai Maple Automotive future blueprint for how In a sunny early spring afternoon, we sat in the office of Xu Gang, chairman of Shanghai Maple Automobile Co., Ltd., and listened to the past, present and future of this 40-year-old Peking University Guanghua EMBA. We saw the self-confidence of a new generation of private entrepreneurs represented by Xu Gang, a taste of the pragmatic and effective management of Xu Gang, but also felt a hint of entrepreneurship