年轻的夫妇一旦有了第三者——小宝宝,往往就会带来第四者——保姆。那么,怎样才能做到与保姆友好相处呢: 一、身教重于言传:保姆大都是初到城镇的年轻姑娘,缺少保育知识,初到你家时,向她述说婴儿习性和护理方法是必要的,但不要整天唠唠叨叨,述说你的婴儿宝宝如何如何娇,如何如何重要。应先“代”保姆细心照顾几天婴儿,把护理程序“表演”给保姆看,让保姆觉得你爱孩子爱得实在,不是只爱在口头上。她们被感动了,就会尽心效仿的。要知道:好的
Once a young couple has a third party - a baby, it often leads to a fourth person - a nanny. So, how can we do with the nanny friendly deal with it: First, to teach more than words: Nanny are mostly young girls to cities and towns, the lack of childcare knowledge, first arrived home, tell her about infant habits and nursing methods are necessary , But do not talk all day long and describe how your baby’s baby is and how it matters. Care should be taken first and foremost to take care of the babies for a few days, and to give the nanny a look at the nursing program “Performance ” so that the nanny thinks that you love your child lovingly, not only in words. When they are touched, they will try their best to follow suit. You know: Okay