数学史的劃期 数学的萌芽时期——关肇直先生在中国科学院数学研究所数理邏輯室举办的“数学基础讲座”上的报告

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为什么要讲数学史呢?上一讲談过数学基础是要研究数学的对象、性质、特点及其发生发展規律。了解数学史就是想通过它未了解数学基础的问题。我们的数学史与西方资产阶級学者的数学史有根本的不同。这是由于它与阶级社会有密切关系之故。西方好多数学史书刊有好多片面性甚至毒素,例如把数学史看成史料的堆积,看成个別天才人物(数学家)的創造,还有好多人的学术观点有錯誤,甚至史料的錯誤。例如,在西方数学史中有这样一个故事,讲到19世紀的大数学家欧拉,他本来在数学活动中方向明确,把数学与力学等相结合。然而西方却有一个传說,说狄德罗有一次作无神论的报告,欧拉写了一个很复杂的教学公弌,說我用这公式可証明神存在,狄德罗给吓跑 Why should we talk about the history of mathematics? The first topic of mathematics is to study the object, nature, and characteristics of mathematics and its law of occurrence and development. To understand the history of mathematics is to think through it without understanding the basics of mathematics. Our history of mathematics is fundamentally different from the history of mathematics of Western bourgeois scholars. This is because it is closely related to class society. Many books on the history of mathematics in the west have a lot of one-sidedness and even toxins. For example, the history of mathematics is seen as the accumulation of historical materials, the creation of individual geniuses (mathematicians), the mistakes of many academic opinions, and even the errors of historical materials. For example, in the history of Western mathematics, there is such a story. When speaking of Euler, a great mathematician in the 19th century, he was already clear in mathematics and combined mathematics with mechanics. However, in the West, there is a legend that Diderot once made a report on atheism. Euler wrote a very complicated teaching public money, saying that I can use this formula to prove that God exists and Diderot scares away