三叉神经痛是口腔科常见病。其主要症状表现为短暂的刀割样及撕裂样剧痛。中医认为三叉神经痛是由于经络受风毒传入,凝滞不行或由于气滞血瘀阻塞经络而致使面部疼痛。其治疗方法应以活血化瘀祛风通络为原则。因此我科用具有芳香开窍、活血化瘀、温经止痛的麝香注射液,对30例三叉神经痛患者进行神经阻滞封闭治疗,收到良好疗效。现总结如下。1 临床资料 30例患者,女性17例,男性13例。年龄最大70岁,最小33岁。发生在三叉神经第1支者1例,第2支者6例,第3支者18例,第2、3支同时发病者5例。右侧17例,右侧13例,病程最长者达4年。30例患者经颅CT检查,均排除颅内占位性病变。
Trigeminal neuralgia is a common disease in dentistry. The main symptoms of short-term knife-like and tearing like sharp pain. Chinese medicine believes that trigeminal neuralgia is due to meridians by wind poisoning, stagnation or due to qi stagnation and blood stasis caused by facial pain. The treatment should be based on the principle of promoting blood circulation and expelling wind and meridians. Therefore, our department with aromatic resuscitation, blood circulation, warm and painkillers musk injection, 30 cases of trigeminal neuralgia in patients with closed block treatment, received good results. Now summarized as follows. A clinical data 30 patients, 17 females, 13 males. The oldest is 70 years old and the youngest is 33 years old. One case occurred in the first branch of the trigeminal nerve, the second branch in 6 cases, the third branch in 18 cases, 2,3 cases of simultaneous onset in 5 cases. Right in 17 cases, right in 13 cases, the longest course of up to 4 years. Transcranial CT examination of 30 patients, excluding intracranial space-occupying lesions.