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今年,我们编辑部的工作多了一项内容,每月都要将数千份当月出版的刊物邮寄到全国各省市的会员手中。每当从工厂运回当月的刊物后,编辑部的七八位同志总要忙上三两天的时间,粘贴、装袋、封袋、搬运,忙得不亦乐乎。完成任务后,再继续我们的编辑、采访工作。最近,连续接到了广州黎之彦、西安项宗沛分别寄来的100元人民币,曲阜胡授昌寄来的1000元人民币,还收到项宗沛、胡授昌二位写来的两封热情洋溢的信,忽然感到我们手中的工作沉甸甸的。感到沉甸甸的不是我们工作的负担,而是汇款单、来信所传递过来的无限情谊:道一声“谢谢”,“并非交际场上的术语而是具有一定的含金量”;“能够与‘家’取得联系、互相沟通而不是徒有证件的空壳会员,是多么有意义啊”。我们在家人的来信中体味到家人的喜悦、期盼、焦虑、困惑,以及那永远不变的对戏剧事业的忠诚与信心。这是一份多么深厚的情谊呀!从中,我们真正认识到我们是在从事一件多么有意义的工作。谢谢你们对家的关怀,这一声“谢谢”也决不是“交际场面上的术语”。我们想要说的是,戏剧界的兄弟姐妹们,常同家里人聊聊,用这种家书的方式,在我们“会员之家”的天地中,聊聊你们丰收的喜悦,让家里人共同分享。我们为大家传书送简,尽我们的力量,与你们分忧解愁。 This year, we have an extra part of our editorial work. Every month thousands of copies of publications published in that month are mailed to members of all provinces and cities in the country. When the publications of the current month are shipped back from the factory, the comrades of the editorial departments of seven or eight members are always busy for three or two days to paste, bag, seal and carry them. After completing the task, then continue our editorial, interview work. Recently, he received 100 yuan from Li Zhiyan and Xi’an Zong Pei from Guangzhou and 1,000 yuan from Qufu Hu and 50 yuan from Wenchuan City. He also received two warm greetings from Xiang Zongpei and Hu Chaochang, Letter, suddenly feel the heavy work in our hands. Feel heavy is not the burden of our work, but the remittance slip, the infinite love sent by the letter: a road “thank you”, “not a communicative term but with a certain amount of gold”; “to get with the” home “ How meaningful it is to contact, communicate with each other, and not have a credential’s shell member. ” We appreciate the family’s joy, hope, anxiety, confusion, and the everlasting loyalty and confidence in the theater business in our family letters. What a deep friendship it is! From here, we really recognize what a meaningful job we are doing. Thank you for caring for your family. This “thank you” is by no means “a jargon in the world of communication.” What we want to say is that the brothers and sisters in the theater often talk to their family members and use this kind of family book to talk about the joy of harvest in the world of our “member’s family” and let the family members together share it. We send letters to you for simplicity, do our best to share with you worry-solving.
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