
来源 :基础教育课程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuilinxi
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数学知识的学习往往有很多不同的途径,学生在不同学习方式下获取的知识其领悟的程度是有区别的,所以为了突出学生的主体性,提升他们的学习效率,提升学生的数学素养,我们应当让学生经历真实的探究过程,在丰富的数学活动中增强活动经验。课堂上我们希望看到学生的全情投入,希望他们能够踊跃发表自己的意见,哪怕他们的想法还有瑕疵,但只要能给一部分学生带来启发,但只要有创新的 There are often many different ways to learn maths knowledge. The degree of comprehension of students’ knowledge acquired under different learning styles is different. Therefore, in order to highlight the students’ subjectivity, improve their learning efficiency and improve students’ maths accomplishment, we Students should be exposed to a real process of inquiry, augmenting their experience of activities with a rich mathematical activity. In class, we hope to see the full participation of students in the hope that they can express their opinions enthusiastically, even if their ideas are flawed. However, as long as they can inspire some students, but as long as there is innovation
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