有人预言,21世纪将是生命科学的世纪。世界卫生组织提出了在21世纪“人人享有保健”的口号,实现这个目标是人类理性的回归。 失去了健康就意味着失去了一切(某些名垂青史的人物例外)。人这一辈子都要经历生理的变化、心理的变化甚至疾病、损伤、意外等等,“人人享有保健”与每个人休戚相关。影响健康的三个最重要的因素包括遗传基因、生存环境和精神状态。
Some people predict that the 21st century will be the century of life science. WHO has put forward the slogan “Health for All” in the 21st century. To achieve this goal is the return of human reason. Losing health means losing everything (except for some famous figures). People have to undergo physical changes throughout life, psychological changes and even diseases, injuries, accidents, etc., “Everyone enjoys health care” and everyone is related. The three most important factors affecting health include genetics, living environment and mental state.