肌病往往是某些药物治疗的并发症,尤其是皮质类固醇和抗疟药。但某些常用的抗结核药所引起的肌病尚未见报道。作者报道1例利福平引起的严重近端肌病。患者女性,44岁。1974年患典型活动性肺结核,使用异烟肼和利福平治疗16个月,开始3个月每天注射链霉素。1980年胸部 X 线照片发现新的空洞,痰培养有分枝杆菌菌落,再用链霉素、利福平、异烟肼和乙胺丁醇治疗。4周后患者臂和腿的近端肌肉无力,下肢比上肢严重,甚至不能站立,但无麻木感或肌肉
Myopathy is often a complication of certain medical treatments, especially corticosteroids and antimalarials. However, some commonly used anti-TB drugs caused by myopathy has not been reported. The authors report a case of severe proximal myopathy caused by rifampicin. Female patient, 44 years old. Typical active tuberculosis in 1974, treatment with isoniazid and rifampin for 16 months, beginning the first three months of streptomycin injections. 1980 chest X-ray found new holes, sputum cultured with mycobacteria, and then streptomycin, rifampicin, isoniazid and ethambutol treatment. After 4 weeks, the proximal arm of the patient’s arm and leg were weak, their lower extremities were more severe than their upper extremities, they could not even stand but had no numbness or muscle