患者女性,46岁,住院号51177,患者自1960年起自觉上腹部时有不适,饱胀;偶有疼痛和呕吐,无明显反酸暧气。近二月症状加重,食欲减退,体重减轻。体检见发育情况良好,肥胖体型,全身及腹部检查均无阳性体症发现。上消化道 X 线钡餐检查发现在胃体部有6×4厘米椭圆形肿块.胃粘膜绉襞
The female patient was 46 years old and her hospital number was 51177. The patient felt discomfort and fullness since 1960 when she felt her upper abdomen; there was occasional pain and vomiting, and there was no significant acid reflux. In February, symptoms worsened, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Physical examination showed good development, obese body types, body and abdomen examinations were found no positive body disease. The upper digestive tract X-ray barium examination revealed a 6×4 cm elliptic mass in the stomach body.