
来源 :中国水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang_yingliang
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刚刚过去的2011年,是我国水利发展史上具有里程碑意义的一年。中央出台1号文件、召开最高规格的水利工作会议,对加快水利改革发展作出全面部署,同时出台了一系列支持水利的重大政策举措,推动全国上下兴起了大干水利、兴水惠民的新高潮。2012年是党的十八大召开之年,是实施“十二五”规划的重要一年,也是深入贯彻落实中央决策部署、加快水利改革发展的关键一年。加强水利系统党风廉政建设,是实现水利改革发展目标的重要保障。水利部党组对此高度重视,2012年元旦一过就召开了全国水利系统党风廉政建设工作会议,传达贯彻中央领导讲话精神和十七届中央纪委七次全会重要部署,回顾总结水利系统2011年党风廉政建设和反腐败工作,研究安排2012年工作任务。本期特别刊出水利部党组书记、部长陈雷在全国水利系统党风廉政建设工作会议上的重要讲话,摘要刊登部党组成员、驻部纪检组组长董力的工作报告,并摘要选登部分单位会议交流发言,以飨读者。 The just past 2011 is a landmark year in the history of water conservancy in our country. The Central Government issued No. 1 document and held the highest standard of water conservancy work conference to make a comprehensive plan to speed up the development of water conservancy and at the same time promulgated a series of major policy measures to support water conservancy and promote the revitalization of the Dadu and Huishin up and down the country climax. 2012 is the year when the 18th CPC National Congress is held and an important year for implementing the “12th Five-year Plan”. It is also a crucial year for thoroughly implementing the decision-making arrangements made by the Central Government and accelerating the development of the water conservancy. Strengthening water conservancy system to build a clean government is an important guarantee for the realization of the water conservancy reform and development goals. The Ministry of Water Resources and the Ministry of Party attaches great importance to this, New Year’s Day in 2012 on the convening of the national water conservancy system, party work style and clean government conference, to convey and implement the spirit of the speech of the Central Government and the seventeenth Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, seven plenary arrangements, review the water system 2011 Improve the Party’s work style and build a clean and honest government and work on anti-corruption work, study and arrange work tasks for 2012. This issue is specially published in the Ministry of Water Conservancy Party Secretary, Minister Chen Lei in the national water conservancy system of party style work conference, an important speech published in the Department of Party members, the Ministry of Discipline Inspection Group leader of the work report of Dong Li, Unit meetings exchange speeches to readers.
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