1.圣果 该品种是安徽省农科院园艺所(邮码:230031)新育成的优质高产抗病杂一代樱桃番茄。该品种属无限生长类型,植株生长势极强,叶色深绿,叶片稀疏。始花节位7~8节,花序隔叶数2~3片,每花序坐果30~50个。果实长圆形,果色大红鲜艳,风味
1. St. fruit The variety is the Anhui Provincial Academy of Agricultural Horticulture (Zip Code: 230031) newly bred new generation of high-yielding disease-resistant hybrid cherry tomatoes. The species is an unlimited growth type, plant growth potential strong, dark green leaves, sparse leaves. The first flower festival 7 to 8, inflorescences leaves 2 to 3, each inflorescence fruit 30 to 50. Oval fruit, bright red fruit color, flavor