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河南省委副书记王全书同志对党员干部帮扶城市困难职工活动提出要求:一是党员干部帮扶困难职工定位要进一步明确。帮扶而不是包揽,辅助而不是替代。开展党员干部帮扶困难职工活动,决不是通过这个活动包打天下,决不是要替代各职能部门的工作和作用,而是通过这项活动的开展,跟踪问效,来支持、配合、辅助、促进各职能部门更好地履行职责,把“两个确保”、再就业、“三条保障线”等一系列措施都落到实处。安排下岗职工再就业、解决困难职工脱贫的主渠道不能改变。二是帮扶路子要进一步拓宽。一帮疏导思想。要向困难职工宣传党的路线、方针、政策,释疑解惑,耐心细致地做好思想政治工作,引导他们正确理解改革;转变就业观念,增强克服困难的勇气和信心,确保社会政治大局的稳定。二帮落实政策。割臣据困难职工的意见和要求,督促协调有关部门和单位落实有关社会保障和城市解困的具体政策、措施,特别是“三条保障线”。“两个确保”政策的落实,对那些要求合理、但一时难以解决的问题,要做好解释工作。三帮实现就业。要开辟多种就业渠道,可以实行“政府买岗”带动社会帮扶;可以实施小额借 Comrade Wang Quanshu, deputy secretary of Henan Provincial Party Committee, put forward requirements on the activities of party members and cadres in helping the urban workers in difficulty: First, the position of party members and cadres in helping the needy employees should be further clarified. Help instead of sweeping, aided rather than alternative. Party members and cadres to carry out the activities of helping employees in difficulty, by no means through this package to fight the world, by no means to replace the functions and functions of various departments, but through this activity, tracking the effectiveness to support, cooperate, assist and promote Functional departments to better perform their duties, the “two guarantees”, re-employment, “three security lines” and a series of measures implemented. Arrangements for laying off laid-off workers for reemployment and solving the main channels for the unemployed workers to get out of poverty can not be changed. The second is to help the way to further widen. A bunch of ideas to ease. We should propagandize the Party’s line, principles and policies to those in difficulty and solutions, and do a good job in ideological and political work patiently and meticulously, so as to guide them in correctly understanding the reform. They should change their concepts of employment, enhance their courage and confidence in overcoming difficulties and ensure the stability of the social and political overall situation . Two help implement policy. According to the opinions and demands of employees who are in difficulty, the ministers oversee the coordination of relevant departments and units in implementing specific policies and measures concerning social security and urban relief, especially the “three safeguard lines.” The implementation of the “two guarantees” policy should be interpreted properly for those problems that are reasonable but not easily solved at one time. Three help achieve employment. To open up a wide range of employment channels, “government buying posts” can be implemented to bring about social assistance; small loans can be implemented
2013年初,贯彻落实《国务院关于同意调整中关村国家自主创新示范区空间规模和布局的批复》的工作大会在北京召开,中关村由“一区十园”扩展为“一区十六园”,确定了新一轮发展蓝图。怀柔园由此换上新装,在中关村这块金字招牌的辉映下,开始了向“全球科技创新中心”大目标迈进的新征程,使尽浑身解数吸纳各类高科技创新企业入驻。  北京中科纳新印刷技术有限公司(下称中科纳新)是一家被多位国家领导人寄予厚望的企业,2
The 200,000 tonnes copper smelting project of Zijin Copper Co.,Ltd with a total investment of 5 billion yuan is located in Shanghang Jiaoyang Circular Economy I
江总书记在“七一”讲话中 ,把促进人的全面发展 ,作为新时期我们党坚持基本路线 ,全面推进社会主义现代化建设的重大目标和历史任务郑重地提了出来。在全国县 (市 )部门、乡