放学铃响起,是校园里最热闹的时候。每天开饭时间如同打仗一般,或许更像非洲一带的难民,久饿之后突然发现面包似的蜂拥而上, 那阵势像是要把食堂夷为平地。那天中午,我也卷入到“抢饭”的人流中,挤在三号窗口排了队。排在我前面的人不多,只有三个男生, 负责打饭的那个女的,是以前未曾见过的陌生面孔。大概她平时享用的饭食营养上乘,她长相肥硕,天生一副做厨子的好身段,算得上一则活广告。
It is the most lively time on campus when the school bell rings. The time of dinner is like playing naps. Perhaps it is more like the refugees in Africa. After a long hungry, they suddenly found that bread-like swarms, and the battle is like razing the canteen. At noon that day, I was also involved in the crowd-fighting crowd and crowded into the third window. There were not many people in front of me. There were only three boys. The woman who was responsible for cooking was an unfamiliar face that I had never seen before. Probably the nutritious food that she usually enjoys is nutritious. She looks fertile, and she is naturally a good figure to cook. It is considered a live commercial.