自从1891年 Mall 氏首先把嗜银纤维从结缔组织中区分出来以后,世界文献中出现了许多有关嗜银纤维的研究论著,但许多问题直到现在尚无定论。如关于嗜银纤维的发生问题,就有下列各种不同的观点:1.认为这种纤维是从毛细血管内皮细胞所产生的(Corner 氏,Rinehart 氏);2.认为是红血球崩溃而形成的(Foot 氏);3.认为是由纤维素所成的(Baitsell 及 Mason 氏);4.认为是由嗜银颗粒融集而成(Kon 氏);5.较普遍的一种看法认为是由于细胞分泌使细胞间物质
Since Mallin first distinguished the argyrophilic fibers from connective tissue in 1891, there have been many studies on arginine fibers in the world literature, but many problems have not been determined yet. For example, with regard to the occurrence of arginine fibers, there are various viewpoints as follows: 1. Consider that this fiber is produced from capillary endothelial cells (Corner, Rinehart’s); 2. It is thought that red blood cells have collapsed and formed. (Foot’s); 3. It is thought that it is made of cellulose (Baitsell and Mason’s); 4. It is thought that it is made up of silver particles (Kon’s); 5. The more common view is that Cells secrete intercellular substances