【摘 要】
你看不出里面究竟有多少墨水。或许在你试探性地写上几个字后它就会枯干,或许足够用来创作一部影响深远的不朽巨著。 你又会用笔写下些什么呢:爱?恨?喜?悲?生?死?虚无?万物?你写作只是为了愉己?还是为了悦人?抑或是借替人书写而愉己?你的落笔会是颤抖胆怯的,还是鲜明果敢的?你的想象会是丰富的还是贫乏的?甚或你根本没有落笔?这是因为,你拿到笔以后,没有哪条规则说你必须写作。也许你要画素描,亂写一气?信笔
I have recently said that the future of the human race is compromised by① the damage that we are doing to our small overcrowded planet and that we should think about exploring planets that may have th
Thank you for having me here today. This campaign① has been very educational and it will encourage more people to get educated, and to speak out on behalf of those who face discrimination②. For too lo
When I was fi ve years old, I played the role of the turtle①in a play organized by my older sister. I had one line at the end, when I beat the sleeping rabbit to the fi nish line: slow and steady② win
I remember the fi rst time I wore a bra. I came home from school in the fifth grade, and my mom handed me a white cloth to put on beneath my shirt."You’re a big girl now," she said, "You need to wear
It may have taken more than half a century, but the worldfamous New York jewellery store has finally made good on the promise of being able to have"Breakfast at Tiffany’s". A cafe has opened in the M
People might not understand what you’re talking about or what you’re thinking. But if you have a good idea, sooner or later, they’re gonna jump on① and they’re gonna start giving you praise. It might
A cat dubbed① Curious Zelda is taking the internet by storm thanks to her permanently shocked expression. The rescue② kitten - who lives with owner Matt Taghioff in Beckenham, Kent - has amassed③ lot
话题女王霉霉的新专辑《名声》终于在2017年11月10日发行。在这张专辑的豪华版(只能在塔吉特百货公司购买到)中,她给粉丝们写了一封信作序。从个人角度讲述了自从15岁成为名人后的好处和坏处: 我们了解朋友的某一面,但是不了解他們的爱人能看到的另一面。 他们的母亲对他们的了解和室友对他们的了解不同,而室友对他们的了解也和同事的了解不同。他们的暗恋者仰望着他们,看到的是光彩万丈的可贵之人。 我要
无论我去哪儿,人们都注视我。我去杂货店买东西,小孩会睁大眼睛仰起脖子望我,还扯母亲的衣角向我指指点点。我在街上从别人身旁走过时,总会听见他们小声议论我的形象。 我既不生得畸形,也并不残废。我的头发是略带金黄的红色,眼睛是碧蓝的。我之所以与众不同,是因为我的身高达6英尺4英寸(约1.93米),而且是個女的。 我身体健康,孩童时特别羞怯,青少年时还是如此。我老家在一座小镇,我在那儿长大上学,毕业时
我是一个孩子,我有一雙眼睛、一双手,我能说话,我更有一颗心。当然,我还有我的权利。 我有权吃饭,有权喝水,有权健康地成长。 我有权住在一个温暖的房子里,但不要太热。我不需要太多,但我有权远离贫穷。 当我生病的时候,我有权得到医治,使用最好的药物。我有权去跑步,有权去跳跃,有权去攀登,还有权高声叫喊,“感觉好极了。” 我有权接受国家的免费教育。 不管我是男孩还是女孩,作为孩子,我都拥有同样