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【作 者】
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【机 构】
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【出 处】
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素描作为一种西洋画传入中国,从起初的不被接受,到现在成为绘画的基础,经历了一个不平凡的过程,在这个过程中前人也为我们的学习积累了很多的经验,那么同学们对素描应该有哪些认识?学习中应该注意哪些问题呢?本文做了简要概括。 As a Western painting introduced to China, from the initial not accepted, and now has become the basis of painting, has undergone an extraordinary process, in the process of predecessors for our study has accumulated a lot of experience, then Students should know what sketch? What should pay attention to learning? This article made a brief summary.
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