In the analysis of economic activities, the absolute number and the relative number are often used to reflect the increase and decrease of economic indicators and the pace of development. In the past, it was easy to give people an illusion that they often used to only use ordinary charts to reflect changes in the absolute number of economic indicators in statistical charts. In order to deepen the comprehensive understanding of the problem from the intuitive feeling, this paper believes that we should promote the use of semi-logarithmic chart to reflect the relative changes in economic indicators. In addition, in the statistical analysis, exponential method is also widely used to analyze the impact of various factors. In this regard, the authors propose their own a new analysis method - geometry method, and compared with the index method, pointed out: Geometry method can not only be used in univariate analysis, in some cases, it is more than the index method More accurate analysis, but also can be used in multivariate analysis, it is more simple than the exponential analysis, easy to grasp.