在一个新闻发布会上,活宝邓建国在眉飞色舞地高谈阔论,一个光头带大黑边眼镜的黑衣胖男子坐在白衣黄发身材瘦小的邓建国身边,垂着头望着眼前的桌子。两人黑白、胖瘦形成的对比颇有喜剧效果。同事说:“你知道那光头是谁吗?”“不知道!”“姜汤!” 真的是姜汤?那个写起女人如行云流水的家伙?这形象实在是让人诧异。一直以为姜汤是一个女子或者一个白面书生,怎么是个胖子? “下面欢迎著名作家姜汤先生讲话!”主持人宣布道。
At a press conference, Mr Tung Cheong-kwong was eagerly talking. A black fat man with a bald head with big black-rimmed glasses sits beside a small white-haired Deng Jian-gui with thin yellow hair and looks down at the table in front of him. The two black and white, fat and thin formed contrast quite a comedy effect. Colleague said: “Do you know who is the bald? ” “” “” “Ginger soup! ” Really ginger? Surprised. Has always thought that ginger soup is a woman or a white flourish, how is a fat? “” Welcome to the famous writer Jiang Tang below to speak! "The presenter announced.