世界上第一个关于文件管理的国际性标准历经几年的酝酿终于瓜熟蒂落,于2001年9月由国际标准化组织(ISO)正式发布。 ISO15489号标准由国际标准化组织内信息与文献技术委员会(ISO/TC46)下设的档案/文件管理分委会(SCII)起草。该分委会由来自澳大利亚、加拿大、丹麦、法国、德国、爱尔兰、意大利、波兰、瑞典、英国、美国等11个国家的代表组成。该标准草案的初稿于1997年发表,在2000年5月发布了该标准草案的定稿。然后所有成员团体对该标准草案的定稿及其技术报告进行投票表决,按照国际标准化组织的规定,75%以上的成员团体同意后,方能作为国际标准发布,该标准草案于2001年9月表决通过。 该标准的制定得益于澳大利亚文件及档案工作者的贡献,澳大利亚在1996年2月发布了世界上第一个关于文件管理的国家标准AS 4390。其后,澳大利亚的同行们开始同国际标准化组织合作,力图使这一标准上升为国际标准,以期得到国际认可。ISO15489-1的简介中明确申明“ISO成员国一致要求以澳大利亚的AS 4390文件管理标准为基础将国际上最佳的文件管理方法确定为标准,正是在这种背景下,制定了ISO15489。”但是该标准又与AS 4390有着显著不同,它综合了世界范围内不同国家的文件管理实践的实际情况,因而有着更加广泛的适应性。 为了使
The first international standard on document management in the world after years of deliberation has finally come into fruition. It was officially released by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in September 2001. ISO 15489 was drafted by the Archives / Document Management Sub-Committee (SCII) under the Information and Documentation Technical Committee of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO / TC46). The subcommittee comprises representatives from 11 countries including Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States. The first draft of the draft standard was published in 1997 and the final draft of the draft standard was released in May 2000. Then all the member bodies voted on the finalization of the draft standard and its technical report. Only after more than 75% of the member organizations agree to publish the draft standard can publish it as an international standard according to the provisions of the International Organization for Standardization. The draft standard was voted on in September 2001 by. The standard was developed thanks to the contribution of Australian filers and archivists. In February 1996, Australia released the world’s first national standard AS 4390 for document management. Since then, Australian colleagues have started working with the International Organization for Standardization in an effort to elevate this standard to an international standard with a view to gaining international recognition. The introduction to ISO 15489-1 makes it clear that “ISO member states have unanimously requested that the best international document management method be established on the basis of Australia’s AS 4390 document management standard, and it is in this context that ISO 15489 has been established.” However, this standard, which is significantly different from AS 4390, integrates the actual situation of document management practices in different countries in the world and thus has a wider adaptability. because